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IDGR622OL - History of Interiors I
This online course provides candidates with an historical, global survey of interior traditions and styles as a critical context for present-day design. Relationships to concurrent developments in art, architecture, technology, psychology and societal influences are integrated with the primary interior design focus. The course follows a chronology of periods from Ancient through Rococo. Research presentations and written assignments focus on architectural mass-void relationships, and historical relationships between color and its use in buildings and their interiors. Candidates use critical analysis to compare and contrast the work of designers in their historical contexts.

On Line Course
Description This online course provides candidates with an historical, global survey of interior traditions and styles as a critical context for present-day design. Relationships to concurrent developments in art, architecture, technology, psychology and societal influences are integrated with the primary interior design focus. The course follows a chronology of periods from Ancient through Rococo. Research presentations and written assignments focus on architectural mass-void relationships, and historical relationships between color and its use in buildings and their interiors. Candidates use critical analysis to compare and contrast the work of designers in their historical contexts.
Prerequisites N/A
Corequisites N/A
Fees N/A
Credits 1.50
Credit Types Grad Credit

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